7th Annual Summit on Sexual Assault and Consent

Georgetown Day School is excited to host our 7th Annual Summit on Sexual Assault and Consent, now back in person for the first time since 2019! The Summit will bring together students, faculty, administrators, and parents from across the country to explore the complexity of sexual assault and consent issues. Attendees will examine current laws, policies, and programs established to support survivors, advocate for rights, and prevent sexual assault. Participants will then apply their knowledge to their own communities, where they can design initiatives and prompt culture change. 

Learn more at https://www.gds-consentsummit.com/.

When: Saturday, November 19, 2022 from 8:30 AM–5:15 PM ET plus an optional evening program on Friday, November 18, 2022 from 5:30–8:30 PM ET

Where: In person at Georgetown Day School in Washington, DC

Who: Students (grades 8-12), educators, and parents from across the country 

Cost: $600* per school team (up to six participants) and/or $125 per individual.
*The fee includes a swag bag, Friday’s program and dinner, Saturday’s full day program with breakfast and lunch on Saturday, and Summit resources for your school!

If the cost of the Summit is restrictive for you or for your school, please email us at consentsummit@gds.org before filling out this registration form.  

Follow the prompts below to register yourself or your school for the 2022 Summit and submit the registration fee. If you are a school team, we will reach out closer to the event to gather the names of all your attendees. Workshop registration will happen in early November, so please keep an eye on your email for more information.

Please register by November 4, 2022!