All May long, the ImproveMyCommute team will be providing opportunities here for you and your family to celebrate National Bike Month!

If you send a picture of you doing any of the activities below either by yourself, or with your family, we'll send you your choice of a GDS-branded bike reflector/light, phone wallet, or reusable straw. At the end of the month, we'll draw one name for a $25 gift certificate to CityBikes!

All submissions must be sent to: and is only available to current GDS families, new GDS families, GDS staff, GDS alumni, and GDS community members.

National Bike Month Activities

Older students and parents can take information from this great video from People for Bikes.

You can find detailed instructions on how to perform a safety check here. More information on helmets can be found here.

Want a place to ride? Check out some of the best family-friendly routes here. Make sure to wear your helmet and practice physical distancing!

More resources for planning bike rides in the DMV can be found here.

Some sample questions you can ask your family can be found here. Share your interviews with us if you'd like!