Snow Day Policies
GDS Campus on a snowy day

When there is a possibility of severely inclement weather or other emergency situation:

  • Weather-related school status will be posted at and sent via email and text to all parents, high school students, and faculty and staff by 6:30 a.m.

  • We may have delayed openings. For all divisions, school will start at 10 a.m. HS will follow a delayed schedule published in the Hopper; the Lower and Middle Schools will not shift their schedule. There will be no before-school programming unless otherwise noted. Morning buses depart on a two-hour delay.

  • We may close early for inclement weather conditions. The school will stay open until all children are picked up/transported home.

  • In the event of inclement weather, GDS will have up to two snow days with no classes within one school year. Should we have more than two snow days, whether consecutive or interrupted, we will transition to an online learning plan, which will be a mix of synchronous and asynchronous learning.

  • Teachers/divisions will be in touch with schedules and encourage your children to have their devices with them when appropriate.