Smiling alumni at Country Market Day
  • Alumni
  • Board
The Alumni Board is the leadership body representing all GDS alumni. All GDS alumni, regardless of years in attendance, are welcome to serve on the Board. Diversity is at the core of the GDS mission. In keeping with this mission, the Alumni Board seeks a membership that reflects the GDS community and encompasses a broad spectrum of viewpoints and experiences. The diversity of the Board is achieved in a variety of ways, recognizing that diversity can be reflected in geographic distribution, age/class year, religion, socioeconomic identification, race, sexual orientation, parenting status (of both GDS students and non-GDS students), as well as a multitude of other ways. The Alumni Board provides direction in alumni relations event programming, involvement with current students, and fundraising as well as engaging with other alumni with regards to communications and Reunion Weekend.

Letter from the Board Chair

I joined the Alumni Board in 2019 and am excited to serve as the current president. Thirty years as a Black woman and independent school educator has reinforced my determination to support the success of GDS. Participating on the Alumni Board has afforded me the opportunity to re-connect with and deepen my connections with former classmates, students, and teachers. GDS has had such a profound impact on my life. It's truly a unique place, which I hope we alumni can celebrate, preserve, and even help to strengthen.

Since its opening in 1945, the GDS alumni base has grown tremendously. I encourage us to stay connected—whether by committing to serve as a reunion class chair, leading a mini-series course, attending several of GDS's virtual or live events, or simply by reaching out to a former classmate to catch up for a few laughs—each interaction makes us and GDS stronger. I look forward to staying connected with each of you!

Cordenia Paige '83
Alumni Board President

Alumni Board Mission Statement

The Georgetown Day School Alumni Board supports GDS and its mission of academic excellence, educational innovation, and social justice within a diverse school community. The board aims to build a community of alumni, facilitating their connection to each other and the school. Board members also serve as ambassadors to the school on behalf of alumni.