Winter Athletics

Winter Athletics
Danny Stock
GDS's winter athetes are posting big wins while also partnering to support the Special Olympics. Check out the latest highlights for track and field, swimming, basketball, and wrestling.
Student athletes running on a track

Ziyah Holman ’20 won the 300 and 500 meters races at the Montgomery County Invitation with 96 teams in attendance. She and Matthew Mintzer ’21 (55 meter dash) posted personal records even at this early season event. Next up: an elite race in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Photo Credit: Craig Amoss.

Athlete swimming in a large pool.

In swimming, the men’s team held their record to 8–5 with wins over Bullis, Maret, Sidwell Friends, and St. Andrew’s Episcopal. The women’s team improved to 9–8 with wins over Bullis, Holy Child, Maret, Sidwell Friends, and St. Andrew’s Episcopal.

Group photo of students holding banners.

In addition to their many wins and new personal records, the GDS swim team hosted their annual swim-a-thon for the Special Olympics of Montgomery County (SOMO), a half-decade long partnership initiated with help from the Bergman family (Amelia Bergman ’20 and alumni siblings Zachary ’17 and Meredith ’15). Our athletes offered a stroke clinic to athletes in attendance, and the team will continue to raise money until the end of February to support the SOMO Sharks with pool and transport costs.

Student athletes high-fiving.

Women’s Varsity Basketball won the GDS basketball tournament and defeated Model School for the Deaf, Jewish Day, Sandy Spring Friends, and Washington Waldorf.

Wrestlers competing.

Wrestling posted some big wins, including gold medals for Saul Atwood ’20 and Ransom Miller ’19 (who remains undefeated). As a team, GDS wrestling defeated Jewish Day, Model School for the Deaf, and The Potomac School.

Student athletes playing basketball.

Men’s Varsity Basketball won the GDS basketball tournament and defeated St. Albans and Sandy Spring Friends.

Men’s JV Basketball defeated Field, Sandy Spring Friends, and St. Andrew’s Episcopal.

Winter Athletics
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