Meet Kim Nguyen!

Meet Kim Nguyen!
Dani Seiss

As part of our ongoing series Meet Our GDS Faculty and Staff, we are excited to present: Meet Kim Nguyen!

Read the Q&A below to learn more about Kim.

Primary Role: History Teacher (Asian and Latin American History and 21c Geopolitical Conflicts)

Years at GDS: I'm in my third year.



What do you love about GDS?
The community. I don't think I ever knew what it meant to be part of, or in, a community until GDS. I've worked at several schools worldwide, and they've all been lovely places to work, but I feel very differently about GDS. There seems to be more purpose towards community or maybe I've just found the place where I think I belong. I can't describe why, but GDS is a place where I feel very comfortable being, and I find myself, like many of the students, just hanging around longer than needed. 

Why do you do your job?
Nothing beats supporting GDS Sports and Theatre/Arts!  I love going to the games, plays, and exhibits!   

Your work style in a few words?
My style is a never-ending thought of "how can I improve this?" It's torture.

Personal passions/hobbies/pastimes?
It’s generic to say I love to travel, but I do. I essentially plan my whole life around when and where I can go. This has allowed me to travel to over 50 countries so far. When I'm not thinking about traveling, I like baseball, and I have recently been trying to learn to golf. I enjoy cooking and trying new foods; I would call myself an adventurous eater!

In High School

A few favorites…?
Favorite recipes: For recipes, I like Marcella Hazan’s "Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking."
Favorite countries I’ve traveled to: Some of my favorite “hidden gems” are Madeira; Sri Lanka or Cypress; but my favorites are Iceland or Norway. 

Tell us about your family.
I try to take after my mom who explicitly taught me to work hard and be kind.

One thing about yourself your students/colleagues/others probably don't know? 
I lived and taught in American International schools in four countries outside the U.S.: Brazil, India, the Netherlands, and Hong Kong.

Something on your life bucket list you have yet to accomplish? 
Motorcycling from the South of India all the way to Ladahk, or doing the Siberian or Canadian multi-day train journey.

Meet Kim Nguyen!
  • High School
  • Meet the Teachers