Records, toys, medals, old family photographs, rollerblades, golf clubs, musical instruments, and a certificate of naturalization–these are just a few examples of the heirloom objects that helped to celebrate the stories of 6th graders and their families during this year’s Family Box Project.
This 30+ year project involves student-crafted, diorama-like displays, made from a collection of student-selected family items, often historic and imbued with sentiment. The displays are each accompanied by student essays that explain the significance of the chosen objects. The project provides students with an opportunity to learn more about each others’ family history, as well as their own, forging deep familial connections and bonds with fellow students.
Just before Winter Break, at a time of year when all is a frenzied flurry of activity, participants had a chance to pause and reflect on the past and on how it connects to the present.
“The project can be a catalyst for rediscovering important moments in a family's history, digging into the origins of family traditions, and reflecting on the emotional connections to the objects that families hold onto, said Middle School English teacher Zoe Warner, “Often through this project, families even discover new stories that they hadn't known or heard before. This aspect of the project is a true joy to be a part of.”