This week is Black Lives Matter at School’s Week of Action, and GDS’s Lower School received a fantastic menu of ready-to-go resources for classrooms thanks to two of our staff affinity group co-leads.
Each day is dedicated to one of the 13 guiding principles of the Movement for Black Lives—loving engagement, empathy, restorative justice, diversity, and collective value—and includes lesson ideas, videos, discussion starters, books, inspiring quotations, and art. Items are also organized for our youngest Hoppers (PK-1st) and big kids (2nd-4th).
With all the wonderful child-centered resources out there, it has proven meaningful to GDS Lower School faculty to have this curated guide. We hope that educators and parents across the country will also find it valuable.
Many thanks to Azureé Harrison—Lower School instructional coach and Staff of Color co-lead—and Julia Tomasko ’05—4th grade teacher and co-lead for AWARE (Alliance of White Anti-Racist Educators). Stay tuned more teaching outcomes from Lower School at GDS!
UPDATE: Pre-K welcomed Dr. Denisha Jones, an education justice advocate and member of the national BLM at School Week of Action steering committee since 2017, for a discussion of the guiding principles. Students asked questions and gave heart-melting compliments to Dr. Jones. Thank you, Nichelle and Barbara, for hosting! As the students waved good-bye, one gave a spontaneous "Black Lives Matter!" cheer.
Learning for Justice 2021 One World poster
Guiding Principle: Loving Engagement
❤️Sesame Street explains Black Lives Matter
(Pre-K–1st or 2nd grade)
Black Lives Matter at School
(2nd grade and up)
🖤Black Lives Matter song for kids
💚 If you have more time…
- Read Antiracist Baby by Ibram X. Kendi
- Ibram X. Kendi talks about why he wrote Antiracist Baby
- Learning guide from #DisruptTexts
Learning for Justice 2021 One World poster
Guiding Principle: Empathy
❤️Sesame Street Read aloud - We’re Different, We’re the Same by Bobbi Keats (Prek to 1st)
🖤 Let’s Talk About Race by Julius Lester read aloud (2nd and above)
💚 If you have more time…
We’re All Alike…We’re All Different lesson plan/activity
Learning for Justice 2016 One World poster
Guiding Principle: Restorative Justice
❤️ Kid President - How to Disagree
(All grades)
🖤 Activity: Restorative Circle
💚If you have more time…
Learning for Justice 2019 One World poster
Guiding Principle: Diversity
❤️Sesame Street - Our Different Skin Tones
(Pre-K–1st grade)
Different - A Short Film
(2nd grade and above)
The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson
Discussion questions here (scroll down)
💚If you have more time…
Comfort Food Lesson by Paula
Learning for Justice 2019 One World poster
Guiding Principle: Collective Value
❤️Youth Activist Joshua: Feeding the Hungry (Pre-K–1st grade)
Kids Can Solve Big Problems - Michael Platt, TEDxYouth
(2nd grade and up)
🖤 ...and Martin by Woke Kindergarten
💚If you have more time…
Let The Children March by Monica Clark-Robinson
Learning Guide
National BLM at Schools Visuals
Teaching for Change Elementary resources (Padlet)
Guiding Principles for the Movement for Black Lives